Mental Health and Substance Abuse Resources We Offer:
AA Group (Sobriety 101) Tuesday nights 5:30-6:30 PM [CLOSED MEETING]
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Resources Online: – For family members of alcoholics. – For family members of addicts. – For co-dependent individuals. – For adult children of alcoholics and addicts. - National Institute on Drug Abuse, resources for mental illnesses beyond addiction
Addiction and Substance Use Disorder - Helpful resources from the American Psychiatric Association:
Anxiety Disorders - Helpful resources from the American Psychiatric Association:
Bipolar Disorders - Helpful resources from the American Psychiatric Association:
Depression - Helpful resources from the American Psychiatric Association:
Dissociative Disorders - Helpful resources from the American Psychiatric Association:
Personality Disorders - Helpful resources from the American Psychiatric Association:
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) - Helpful resources from the American Psychiatric Association: